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What is a Life Coach

3 March

There can be a lot of confusion as to what is a life coach and why you should hire one, so today we’re going to clear it all out for you. A life coach is someone hired to analyze your strengths and weaknesses to help you better plan out and identify professional and personal goals and thrive. Life coaches can look at your weaknesses and figure out ways to develop these weaknesses into strengths, helping you further in your career and personal life.

Unlike a therapist, which are often perceived as the same thing as a life coach, they stick to understanding experiences you’ve accumulated over the week, align your actions to your goals, and help you learn from your experiences in hopes to help you take better strides to meet your goals and reach the level of success you picture for yourself. A life coach builds on your prior experiences, getting you to see your progress in a positive light. They focus on increasing your performance, creativity, flexibility, along with helping you enjoy the changes made and increase healthy relationships.

Individuals with a life coach tend to work hard, be more committed to their work, and feel more satisfied with their actions. If you’re debating on hiring a life coach, know that it’s the best step to putting your life on track and feeling like you have control.



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